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Top Borrowers

The report generated will show clients who have borrowed highest loan amounts from the organisation (i.e. from the highest borrower to the least borrower) basing on the number of top borrowers you want to display in a given period.

How to view the Top Borrowers report

To view the top borrowers report you go to Loans/Portfolio Reports/Top Borrowers Report. A screen like one below will appear:

Note that
1. Top borrowers usually subsidizes the operation cost of an MFIs such as monitoring cost than when monitoring resources are over stretched to monitor several sparsely distributed loans.

2. Top borrowers also represent the risk of exposure on the MFI main asset (Portfolio) when it is concentrated on a few large scale borrowers. Reading early signs of potential delinquency on this category would save the MFI from credit risk.

3. External auditors also usually like to sample loan clients by Loan period, loan size and interest rate. This report will help in analyzing size from the largest borrowers.

4. Only outstanding loans by the selected date of the top borrowers will be generated.

5. This report allows you to generate up to 999 largest borrower of the MFI for a particular client type or all.

Note that Loan Performer offers the flexibility of displaying the report in different currencies.

Select any other required additional options or use the default selections. For additional information on these options you can refer to Portfolio Report Formats.

Click on the OK to generate the top borrowers report that will look as follows:

Click on the Close button to exit.

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